Mystic Spiritual Tea by D

Manifesting The Money We Need and Why Do We Only Think in Dollars Instead of Cents?

Desirae S Season 11 Episode 19

It's the last Tea Tuesday in March already! In this episode we dive into why money is considered to be energy that can translate into the physical world, why we should ask for what we need instead of what we want and finally why do we operate from a sense of lack with money and think in terms of dollars instead of sense and cents. I also wanted to talk about how you can add some money abundance in your life and get through the ever rising costs at the grocery store(this may be a spiritual tea drop episode coming soon!) I always show the money towards the end of the month and this episode is no different! So get some of that money tea and lets sip on this episode.

If you don't know where to find me and have a interest in any spiritual classes or one on one readings you can find me at or my Instagram!